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Дом » Продукты » Линия нанесения покрытий » Линия электрофоретического покрытия
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Electrophoretic coating line, also known as dip coating line or groove coating line, is a coating method using liquid coating as coating material to uniformly cover the workpiece surface on special equipment. The so-called electrophoretic coating, is the coated material impregnated in water-soluble paint as an anode (anode electrophoresis), another set of its corresponding cathode, direct current between the poles, by the physical and chemical action of the current, so that the coating evenly coated on the coated material is a coating technology. Electrophoretic coating must use electrophoretic paint, also known as water soluble paint, electrophoretic paint and distilled water must be diluted in a certain proportion to use.

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